California Insurers Must Issue Premium Refunds

California Insurance Commissioner Ricard Lara has issued an order to insurers to send premium refunds for the months of March and April to California policyholders impacted by COVID-19. This order is in response to Commissioner Lara’s finding that the risk of loss for private passenger auto insurance is lower as a result of the pandemic, and that additional reductions in risk exist. 

This order affects all insurers with California policyholders in the following lines of insurance:

  • Private passenger automobile insurance
  • Commercial automobile insurance
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • Commercial multiple peril insurance
  • Commercial liability insurance
  • Medical malpractice insurance
  • Any other line of coverage where the measures of risk have become substantially overstated as a result of the pandemic.

To read the complete text of Bulletin 2020-3, click on the image below.


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